The Thompson Falls Chamber of Commerce works to provide a complete listing of businesses and services available to visitors and residents of the Thompson Falls area. SELECT CATEGORY and SEARCH are both effective ways to quickly find the services you are looking for.

To add a business or service to the directory (free), select the link for SUBMIT NEW ENTRY below.


to add a business, service, group or organization that supports the residents of Thompson Falls and the surrounding areas.

Your listing in this directory is free service provided by the Thompson Falls Chamber of Commerce as part of our ongoing efforts to support the economic development and quality of life for our local businesses, residents and visitors

Please complete the form to the best of your ability, selecting the categories of services you provide. If you find the categories are not available as choices, please add them to your Biographical Info or Notes section and we will add the new categories as needed.

Improve your discoverability with keywords

When a site visitor uses (SEARCH) to look for a business or service, they may not use words that are in your listing, even though you would be the right result. You can improve this by adding common search terms that you can think of to your NOTES or BIOGRAPHICAL INFO sections.

For Example: Sanders County Job Service might be a good result for someone who searches using words like (Jobs, Help Wanted, Job Postings, Job Listings, Looking for Work, etc) Adding these words to your entry would return Sanders County Job Service when these terms are searched for.




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    Email Addresses

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    Biographical Info




    Once you have filled out the form, select SUBMIT to complete the process. We will send an email confirmation to the email address you used for your entry confirming the submission was successful.

    Thompson Falls Business and Services Directory