The Thompson Falls Chamber of Commerce works to provide a complete listing of businesses and services available to visitors and residents of the Thompson Falls area. SELECT CATEGORY and SEARCH are both effective ways to quickly find the services you are looking for.

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Contact: Debbie Dantic
Business 1221 N. Russell Missoula MT 59808 United States Business: 406-541-5000 Website: Blackfoot


Photo of Blackfoot

Headquartered in Missoula, Montana, Blackfoot employs over 170 skilled professionals who help deliver state-of-the-art telecommunications to businesses, schools and communities across Montana and Idaho. We own and operates one of the region’s largest fully redundant multi-gigabit networks. Blackfoot provides a wide range of IP-based services over fiber and carrier-grade wireless Ethernet networks, including integrated voice and data, and our custom hosted IP phone solution, Ergo. We also offer managed WAN, consulting and engineering services. Wen you join the Blackfoot network, you are connected to reliable voice, data, cloud and IT services. Plus, something more – dedicated account management, so you always know who to contact and 24/7 local technical support.

Phone 866-541-5000


Roadmap Satellite Connections Business Directory | Leaflet Connections Business Directory | Leaflet

1221 N. Russell Missoula MT 59808 United States